Are you suffering from a broken heart?

Did a death, divorce, or the end of a romantic relationship cause it? Or was it caused by any of the forty other losses that a person might experience such as moving, pet loss, or a change in finances? 

Regardless of the cause, you know how you feel and it probably isn’t good.

We aren’t going to tell you, “We know how you feel,” because we don’t. Neither does anyone else. What we will do is provide a safe environment where you will be given specific tools to help you recover from loss and ultimately lead a happier life.



We all experience loss in life. Grief is the normal and natural emotional response to loss.
Although grief is a universal experience, many people go through life without the correct tools to effectively process their grief. As a result, the experience of unresolved grief can lead you to feeling “stuck” and make it difficult to live in the present moment. If you are someone who is struggling with the effects of unresolved grief, you’ve come to the right place. Allow me to support you as you navigate the grief recovery process.